Pickwick Village Homeowner Association Board Monthly HOA Meeting November 28, 2023

Attendance (absent members are highlighted)

President: Stacey Krum

Vice President: Katy Marquart

Treasurer: Karen Ryan

Secretary: Emily Kagey

Beautification: Mike Tykoski

By Laws: Kurt Richter

Welcoming: Kelly Estrada

Social Media: Kyle Stone



The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.


President’s report:

  • Stacey will finish the flyer about the holiday lights competition this week and share it with Kyle to post on social media and email. Lights need to be fully up and on by 6:00 p.m. on December 21 to be considered for the competition.


Vice President’s report:

  • No report.



  • No report.


Treasurer’s Report



  • No report.


Beautification (provided electronically):

  • The sprinkler system in the Barchester Island has been blown out for the winter, and all plants have been trimmed back.
  • Mike reached out to a few companies about sealing the South Park path, but they are not quoting new projects now until early spring.
  • A second quote came in for trimming all trees ($8,000). The board will check all the trees in early spring to narrow down which are most in need of trimming, to ensure we can keep costs as low as possible.



  • Kelly reported that there are no new neighbors that she’s aware of.


Social media

  • No report.


Old business

  • None


New business:

  • A couple of board members had looked into getting solar-powered holiday lights for the Barchester Island and tiny libraries. Stacey presented a few options she had researched. She is going to get measurements for the amount of lights needed for the three trees on the island, plus the two tiny libraries. The board voted unanimously to spend up to $150 for the decorative lights.


The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.


The next meeting will be at 7:00 p.m. on January 17, 2024, at 6760 Brookshire Drive.

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Pickwick Village Homeowner Association Board Monthly HOA Meeting October 25, 2023

Attendance (absent members are highlighted)

President: Stacey Krum

Vice President: Katy Marquart

Treasurer: Karen Ryan

Secretary: Emily Kagey

Beautification: Mike Tykoski

By Laws: Kurt Richter

Welcoming: Kelly Estrada

Social Media: Kyle Stone



The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.


President’s report:

  • Stacey has volunteers lined up for the Halloween parade. The board will send out an email blast and Facebook post, and put the signs up around the neighborhood.


Vice President’s report:

  • No report.



  • No report.


Treasurer’s Report

  • At the time of the meeting, only two houses had not paid the annual dues. One house is vacant. Board members will visit the other homeowners to follow up on payment options.
  • The budget is on track. For a copy of the budget, please contact treasurer@pickwickvillage.org



  • No report.



  • For 2024 road repairs, focus will be on drainage areas where there is a gap in the pavement (see map, below).
  • Mike is seeking quotes for the South Park pathway sealing project.
  • Mike received one quote for new trees, which was $6,000. He’s going to seek two more quotes, but he plans to table this project until the spring so the board has a better understanding of which trees are in need of replacement.
  • The contract for snow plowing is all set.



  • No report.


Social media

  • No report.


Old business

  • None


New business:

  • None


The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.


The next meeting will be at 7:00 p.m. on November 28, 2023, at 6835 Brookshire Drive.

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Pickwick Village Homeowner Association Board Monthly HOA Meeting July 20, 2023

Attendance (absent members are highlighted)

President: Stacey Krum

Vice President: Katy Marquart

Treasurer: Karen Ryan

Secretary: Emily Kagey

Beautification: Mike Tykoski

By Laws: Kurt Richter

Welcoming: Kelly Estrada

Social Media: Kyle Stone


Guest: Jim Leddy


The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.


President’s report:

  • Stacey requested that board members “reply all” when responding to messages that come to the general board email address, so everyone is aware of responses.


Vice President’s report:

  • No report.



  • No report.


Treasurer’s Report



  • No report.



  • Jim Richards inquired about tree trimming on some of the park’s trees, specifically the large one right outside his property. Mike will get quotes to trim trees in both parks.
  • Stump Grinder rental and stump removal in North and South Parks have been completed.
  • The South Park drainage looks good so far, and the grass is filling in nicely.
  • Wood chips in both North and South Park playscapes was completed by JVR, and bags of mulch were spread on the entry island and all cul-de-sac islands.
  • Mike repaired and replaced most of the water lines in the Barchester entry island.
  • The entry island has been weeded again.



  • No new welcome kits have been delivered; a few homes are pending sale, and the new neighbors will be welcomed when they arrive.


Social media

  • Kyle purged all board members email mailboxes (Karen was not receiving Status Letter Requests because it said “email full”)


Old business

  • Updates on summer neighborhood events and activities:
    • Slow Roll (July 22 at 1:00, South Park):
      • All traffic volunteers have been confirmed (Sandra denBoer, Pretoria denBoer, Jim Leddy and Kurt Richter)
      • Dan the Kona Man is confirmed to arrive at 1:30 near the South Park Tiny Library
      • Board members will blow up balloons on Friday, July 21, at Stacey’s house
      • Kyle will send an email blast and post event reminder
    • Neighborhood Garage Sales (Aug. 17– 20):
      • We need to put signs out.
      • Stacey will post on Nextdoor the week of the sales.
      • Kyle will send an email blast and post an event reminder.
    • Annual Meeting, Picnic, Movie Night and Campout (August 26, starting at noon):
      • The Kona Truck, All Year Rentals (bounce house and water slide), and Scotty’s Potties are all booked.
      • Stacey will make event posters, water slide and bounce house signs, and cake walk signs, as well as a volunteer list and meeting agenda with year-end review,
      • We will be showing Jumanji: The Next Level at Movie Night
      • Kyle will send an email blast and post event reminders.
      • Stacey will fill holes by pavilion and backstop with topsoil and seed.


New business:

  • The board discussed plans for upcoming fall events and possible projects:
  • Consider adding some rocks and perennial grasses near South Park drain
  • The South Park path needs to be repaired and sealed now that the drainage project has been completed.
  • We will continue to research ideas for replacing the North and South Park playscapes.
  • Back-to-School Movie Night: September 9
  • Fall Movie Night and Chili Cook-Off: October 21


Remarks from visitor:

  • Jim Leddy provided an update on the Canton Roads Project. Pickwick Village will not have a project in summer 2023, but we are all paid up for projects in 2024 and 2025. Future road projects and updates will be handled by the beatification chair for the board.


The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.


The next meeting will be our Annual HOA Meeting and Picnic on August 26. The meeting starts at noon in the north park pavilion; lunch and activities follow.

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Pickwick Village Homeowner Association Board Monthly HOA Meeting May 18, 2023

Attendance (absent members are highlighted)

President: Stacey Krum

Vice President: Katy Marquart

Treasurer: Karen Ryan

Secretary: Emily Kagey

Beautification: Mike Tykoski

By Laws: Kurt Richter

Welcoming: Kelly Estrada

Social Media: Kyle Stone



The meeting was called to order at 7:15 PM.


President’s report:

  • No report.


Vice President’s report:

  • No report.



  • No report.


Treasurer’s Report

  • At the time of the meeting, all but 10 houses had paid the annual dues. Past-due letters have been sent to those who have not yet paid. The amount owed is now double the annual dues amount. Board members will reach out to those who have not yet paid.
  • The budget is on track. For a copy of the budget, please contact treasurer@pickwickvillage.org



  • Updater from Canton Township: Last year, Canton made changes to its residential permitting process and no longer requires HOA approval prior to issuing any permits from the Building and Inspections Services Division.  Although Canton adheres to property ordinances adopted by the governing body of the township, they do not override covenants and restrictions established by each HOA. Residents still must first check with the HOA to make sure a project meets all subdivision requirements. Canton cannot issue permit refunds for permits reviewed, issued, and then cancelled due to violations of HOA requirements.



  • Mike is getting quotes for mulching the playscapes and islands.
  • Mike has tilled the volleyball court and plans to do so at least one more time before the annual picnic, to help prevent ground bees from building nests there.
  • Canton is now scheduling 2026 roads projects. In keeping with long-term plans to submit for a small project each year, the board voted unanimously to submit an application for a small 2023 project.
  • There are a few stumps left from trees that have been cut down in the north and south parks. Mike is planning to rent a stump grinder to take care of those.
  • Mike is going to price out options to have a few hammock poles installed in the parks.



  • No report.


Social media



Old business

  • Update on south park drainage project:
    • The board paid a deposit to Landforms to address the south park drainage issue. Work on the project is scheduled to begin in June, weather permitting.
  • Update on north park pavilion refresh:
    • Between the April and May meetings, the board secured additional quotes for having the north park pavilion power-washed and painted.
    • The board voted via email to hire BB Painting Services to paint and wash the structure, and Straight Stripes Homecare to wash the cement. T
    • The washing and painting were completed May 14-18. The new paint on the pavilion also included painting the ceiling and beams, which had not been painted previously.
  • Stacey has ordered the 10 event signs.


New business:

  • The board will finalize details for the Pickwick Slow Roll and the annual picnic at the June meeting.


The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.


The next meeting will be at 7:00 p.m. on June 20, 2023, in the north park pavilion.

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Pickwick Village Homeowner Association Board Monthly HOA Meeting April 20, 2023

Attendance (absent members are highlighted)

President: Stacey Krum

Vice President: Katy Marquart

Treasurer: Karen Ryan

Secretary: Emily Kagey

Beautification: Mike Tykoski

By Laws: Kurt Richter

Welcoming: Kelly Estrada

Social Media: Kyle Stone



The meeting was called to order at 7:15 PM.


President’s report:

  • No report.


Vice President’s report:

  • No report.



  • No report.


Treasurer’s Report

  • At the time of the meeting, all but 35 houses had paid the annual dues. Past-due letters have been sent to those who have not yet paid.
  • The budget is on track. For a copy of the budget, please contact treasurer@pickwickvillage.org



  • No report.



  • The board received a message from the Canton ordinance officer regarding tree debris in common areas. Mike is going to pick this up and dispose of it.
  • Mike has received new quotes for the south park drainage project from J.R. Landscaping, Sir Williams Landscaping, and Land Forms.
    • The board reviewed the quotes and voted unanimously to move forward with Land Forms. Their proposal is to regrade several areas to direct water flow to the existing drain, plus seed and straw the regraded areas.
    • The quote from Land Forms also included the north park. The board plans to hold off on that work this year and maybe revisit next year, as south park is the major priority.



  • Kelly has delivered welcome packets to two new residents.


Social media

  • No report.



Old business

  • Emily will reach out to additional companies for quotes to have the pavilion cleaned and painted.


The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.


The next meeting will be at 7:00 p.m. on May 18, 2023, in the North Park pavilion.

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Pickwick Village Homeowner Association Board Monthly HOA Meeting March 23, 2023

Attendance (absent members are highlighted)

President: Stacey Krum

Vice President: Katy Marquart

Treasurer: Karen Ryan

Secretary: Emily Kagey

Beautification: Mike Tykoski

By Laws: Kurt Richter

Welcoming: Kelly Estrada

Social Media: Kyle Stone



The meeting was called to order at 7:145 PM.


President’s report:

  • No report.


Vice President’s report:

  • No report.



  • No report.


Treasurer’s Report

  • At the time of the meeting, Karen had received dues payments from almost 200 households.
  • The budget is on track. For a copy of the budget, please contact treasurer@pickwickvillage.org



  • No r.



  • Mike has received the documentation for the two-year Swifty lawn and snow contract. He is working on hammering out a couple of details but will have it signed soon.
  • Once the lawn contract is finalized and signed, Mike will ask Swifty about mulching the playscapes in the north and south parks.
  • A lot of tree debris was not picked up around Pickwick (and around Canton in general). Yard waste pick-up will restart at the beginning of April. The board will plan to start putting sticks from common areas in with yard waste pick-up then.



  • Kelly has visited two new houses to deliver welcome kit and has one more to visit for now.


Social media

  • No report.



Old business

  • The board voted to move forward with ordering 10 small signs for various annual events. These are in addition to the large signs put out each year announcing dates such as the annual meeting and dues payment dates.
    • The cost is $45 for 10 double-sided signs. The board will order sighs for the holiday lights competition winners (3), the starting location for the annual Halloween parade (2), the starting location for the annual Slow Roll bike parade (1), and notices for outdoor theater events in the north park (4).
  • Street sign toppers:
    • Stacey has still received only one catalogue. She is going to reach out to a local company one more time to see if they can provide any information. The board plans to finalize this at the next meeting.
  • Cleaning and painting the North Park pavilion:
    • Emily received a quote from Fresh Image to clean and paint the north park pavilion. The board will seek a couple of additional quotes.




The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.


The next meeting will be at 7:00 p.m. on April 20, 2023, at the north park pavilion (weather permitting).

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Pickwick Village Homeowner Association Board Monthly HOA Meeting February 21, 2023

Attendance (absent members are highlighted)

President: Stacey Krum

Vice President: Katy Marquart

Treasurer: Karen Ryan

Secretary: Emily Kagey

Beautification: Mike Tykoski

By Laws: Kurt Richter

Welcoming: Kelly Estrada

Social Media: Kyle Stone


The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.


President’s report:

  • Neighbors and board members have noticed an increase in dog waste not being picked up. Stacey has also received complaints about neighbors dumping yard waste in a public area at the north end of the neighborhood.
    • The board will send out an email reminding residents to clean up after their dogs and properly dispose of yard waste.
  • Board members have received positive feedback about the printed newsletter being included with dues notices.


Vice President’s report:

  • No report.



  • No report.


Treasurer’s Report

  • The only expenditures in January were related to the mailing of dues.
  • Mike will plan to put out the signs reminding residents about the dues payment date after the March meeting.
  • At the time of the meeting, Karen had received dues payments from 97 households.
  • The budget is on track. For a copy of the budget, please contact treasurer@pickwickvillage.org



  • Kurt responded to an email query regarding pool installation.



  • Mike talked to Swifty about the lawn contract and is working on getting the documentation for both lawn care and snow removal at the same time.
  • The board plans to clean up and mulch the Barchester Island again this year. We will tentatively plan for late May to early June, depending on weather.
  • Mike will ask Swifty for an estimate to mulch the playscapes in the parks.
  • Mike has contacted Browns’ Excavation and Sir Williams to get new quotes for the south park drainage project. He is also looking into the process for sealing the south park path.



  • Kelly has addresses of new residents to visit.


Social media

  • No report.



Old business

  • Stacey has started to receive catalogues and brochures about street toppers.
  • Emily has reached out to Fresh Image to see what the cost would be to have them power wash and paint the pavilion in the north park.



The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.


The next meeting will be at 7:00 p.m. on March 23, 2023, at 6835 Brookshire Drive.

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Pickwick Village Homeowner Association Board Monthly HOA Meeting January 17, 2023

Attendance (absent members are highlighted)

President: Stacey Krum

Vice President: Katy Marquart

Treasurer: Karen Ryan

Secretary: Emily Kagey

Beautification: Mike Tykoski

By Laws: Kurt Richter

Welcoming: Kelly Estrada

Social Media: Kyle Stone


The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM.


President’s report:

  • Stacey shared a draft of the newsletter to be mailed out with dues notices. The board reviewed and approved the draft.
  • Two of the signs for the winners of the holiday lights contest were damaged in the recent storm. Stacey is going to price out options for having new signs made, along with sturdier signs for the Halloween parade and the annual Slow Roll.


Vice President’s report:

  • No report.



  • No report.


Treasurer’s Report

  • The dues notices will go out in the next couple of weeks, along with the newsletter. The board ended 2022 on track with the budget, including money earmarked for the south park drainage project as well as money for long-term planning of larger projects (to avoid the need for future assessments). For a copy of the budget, please contact treasurer@pickwickvillage.org



  • No report.



  • The board discussed the need to reseal the south park path in 2023. The project was put on hold in 2022, when we believed the drainage project would be completed in the summer, to avoid damaging a newly sealed path. The board is in agreement that, whatever happens with the drainage project, we need to seal the path this year.
  • The board discussed next steps for the south park drainage project. We need to move forward with securing new job estimates.



  • Kelly has visited new neighbors to deliver their welcome packets.


Social media

  • No report.



Old business

  • Katy and Stacey will revisit the companies they had previously contacted regarding options for street sign toppers.
  • Emily will reach out to Fresh Image to see what the cost would be to have them power wash and paint the pavilion in the north park.



The meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m.


The next meeting will be at 7:00 p.m. on February 21, 2023, at 6747 Brookshire Drive.

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Pickwick Village Homeowner Association Board Monthly HOA Meeting November 22, 2022

Attendance (absent members are highlighted)

President: Stacey Krum

Vice President: Katy Marquart

Treasurer: Karen Ryan

Secretary: Emily Kagey

Beautification: Mike Tykoski

By Laws: Kurt Richter

Welcoming: Kelly Estrada

Social Media: Kyle Stone


The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.


President’s report:

  • The lights competition will take place beginning at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, December 20.


Vice President’s report:

  • No report.



  • No report.


Treasurer’s Report

  • Karen was unable to attend but sent in a report that the budget is on track. For a copy of the budget, please contact treasurer@pickwickvillage.org



  • No report.



  • The snowplow contract has been finalized for $9,290. This includes 13 plows, plus salting. Heavy snowfall (more than 10 inches) that requires more than multiple passes could potentially be counted as two plows. After the 13 plows, the association would pay on a per-plow basis. We did not use all 13 plows last year.
  • Stacey has noticed several piles of branches and debris along Lilley Road, in the tree lawn along Pickwick Village. The township does not remove debris from that area, and our lawn service provider is not responsible for debris from private property.
    • Mike volunteered to clean up the debris this time.
    • Residents should refrain from leaving lawn and yard debris along the road.



  • Five homes in Pickwick Village have new residents. Kelly will visit them in the coming weeks to deliver their welcome packets.


Social media

  • To reduce spamming from non-residents, we have changed the neighborhood Facebook group to “private” so that only members of the group will be able to see who’s in the group and what is posted.


New business

  • Letters regarding the annual dues will go out in January. Dues for 2023 will be $115 (plus a processing fee if paid online).


Old business

  • The 5th Annual Chili Cook-off had a great turnout this year, with nine entries to select from. The Bruen Family won first place and took home the trophy and bragging rights for the year. Thanks to everyone who participated!



The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.



The lights judging will take the place of the December board meeting. The next meeting will be at 7:00 p.m. on January 17, 2023, at 6760 Brookshire Drive.

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Pickwick Village Homeowner Association Board Monthly HOA Meeting October 20, 2022

Attendance (absent members are highlighted)

President: Stacey Krum

Vice President: Katy Marquart

Treasurer: Karen Ryan

Secretary: Emily Kagey

Beautification: Mike Tykoski

By-Laws: Kurt Richter

Welcoming: Kelly Estrada

Social Media: Kyle Stone



The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.


President’s report:

  • All Halloween parade supplies have been ordered, and volunteers are lined up to help distribute treats along the south park pathway.
  • Everything is ready for Saturday’s chili cook-off and fall movie night. The movie will be the first animated Addams Family movie.
  • Stacey received an update on the memorial tree to be planted in the north park. Davey Tree is in contact with Kristle Cortés about the planting. They hope to plant it still this fall; if they do not get to it before the cold, they will plant it in early spring.


Vice President’s report:

  • No report.



  • No report.


Treasurer’s Report

  • Karen was unable to attend but sent in a report that the budget is on track. For a copy of the budget, please contact treasurer@pickwickvillage.org



  • No report.



  • Mike has taken down and stored the volleyball net for the winter.
  • Mike received a new snow plow contract from Swifty.
    • The estimated prices has increased approximately 20% over last year’s contract, bringint it to approximately $9,200. This includes 13 plows, plus salting. Heavy snowfall (more than 10 inches) that requires more than multiple passes could potentially be counted as two plows. After the 13 plows, the association would pay on a per-plow basis. We did not use all 13 plows last year.
    • Mike reached out to several other plow companies for estimates. A few are not taking on additional contracts. The quotes he did receive were all in the range of approximately $14,000 to $16,000.
    • The board discussed the increase and was in agreement that, while it is a notable increase, overall fuel and labor cost have increased. The cost is still substantially lower than other quotes received.
    • The board voted unanimously to approve the contract.
    • Mike will work with Swifty to finalize the contract.
  • Mike suggested that the board purchase a small rototiller to maintain the volleyball court (and other uses, as needed). He noted that tilling twice a year should help reduce issues with bees nesting in the court. He is willing to store it in his shed for now. He will bring some specific options and prices to a future meeting for consideration.



  • New neighbors have moved into four Pickwick houses recently. Kelly will get welcoming packets to them.


Social media

  • No report.


New business

  • The board plans to hold the holiday lights judging on December 21. This is a tentative date and will be finalized at the November meeting. A flier about the lights competition will be shared with the neighborhood the weekend following Thanksgiving.
  • Stacey will begin updating the newsletter to be sent with dues notices in January. The board will set dates for 2023 activities at the November meeting.


Old business

  • None


The meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m.


The next meeting will be at 7:00 p.m. on November 22, 2022, at 6835 Brookshire Drive

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