North Park Pavilion Reservation Request

Please complete the form below to submit a Pickwick Village North Park Pavilion reservation request.

Homeowners are able to select one day per request and must agree to abide by the pavilion and park rules outlined below.

You must be a resident of Pickwick Village to reserve the pavilion.

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Pavilion Rules

  • No motorized vehicles are allowed in the park ( i.e., no driving cars into the park to load / unload into the pavilion)
  • Clean up after yourselves: pick up all trash AND remove it (don’t leave trash at the pavilion)
  • There is a trash can at the pavilion: please empty it before leaving
  • If picnic tables are re-arranged please put them back

Park Rules

  1. It is the responsibility of ALL homeowners to help with the enforcement of the park rules.
  2. Parents will be responsible for any damage or vandalism caused by their children.
  3. The park areas are considered closed between the hours of 10 p.m. and 7 a.m.
  4. No organized athletic teams may use the facilities of the common areas (parks.)
  5. Permission for special use of the common areas (parks) for organized family events or organized events must be obtained from the Board of Directors. The person requesting permission is responsible for the condition of the grounds and the park equipment afterwards.
  6. No personal property or equipment may be installed or located in the common areas.
  7. No planting of trees or bushes, planting or maintenance of a garden, cutting of grass or similar activities are permitted in the common areas.
  8. No personal property (play equipment, yard equipment, etc.) may be left in the common areas (parks).
  9. No bow and arrow, air guns, sling shots, jarts, or other dangerous weapons or games are allowed in the common areas.
  10. You may not remove park equipment from the common areas.
  11. No motorized vehicles are allowed in the common areas.
  12. No dumping or littering is allowed in the common areas.
  13. Animals are allowed in the common areas, but ONLY under leash and under control. The parks may NOT be used as a pet run and you may not allow your pet to litter the parks. If accidents do happen, then you are to clean up after your pet.
  14. No HARDBALL playing allowed in the common areas. This includes rubber balls. ONLY NERF or WHIFFLE BALLS ARE TO BE USED IN THE SOUTH PARK. The designated area for softball playing is the south end of the
    north park. NERF OR WHIFFLE BLAL PLAYING IS ALLOWED ON THE NORTHWEST END OF THE SOUTH PARK BY CHILDREN 12 YRS. OLD AND YOUNGER. No other area of the park is to be used for ball playing.
  15. Homeowners and families must follow all state and local laws.
  16. No regulation GOLF BALLS are to be used in the common areas. Whiffle balls and other soft practice balls may be used.
  17. The Board of Directors and the general membership will not be held responsible for any injury that incurred in the common areas.
  18. No glass containers.