Attendance (absent members are highlighted)
President: Stacey Krum
Vice President: Katy Marquart
Treasurer: Karen Ryan
Secretary: Emily Kagey
Beautification: Mike Tykoski
By Laws: Kurt Richter
Welcoming: Kelly Estrada
Social Media: Kyle Stone
The meeting was called to order at 7:15 PM.
President’s report:
- No report.
Vice President’s report:
- No report.
- No report.
Treasurer’s Report
- At the time of the meeting, all but 35 houses had paid the annual dues. Past-due letters have been sent to those who have not yet paid.
- The budget is on track. For a copy of the budget, please contact
- No report.
- The board received a message from the Canton ordinance officer regarding tree debris in common areas. Mike is going to pick this up and dispose of it.
- Mike has received new quotes for the south park drainage project from J.R. Landscaping, Sir Williams Landscaping, and Land Forms.
- The board reviewed the quotes and voted unanimously to move forward with Land Forms. Their proposal is to regrade several areas to direct water flow to the existing drain, plus seed and straw the regraded areas.
- The quote from Land Forms also included the north park. The board plans to hold off on that work this year and maybe revisit next year, as south park is the major priority.
- Kelly has delivered welcome packets to two new residents.
Social media
- No report.
Old business
- Emily will reach out to additional companies for quotes to have the pavilion cleaned and painted.
The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
The next meeting will be at 7:00 p.m. on May 18, 2023, in the North Park pavilion.