Due to scheduling complications, the board was unable to hold an official meeting in January. Board members provided the following reports and voted on business electronically:
President’s report:
- Annual Lights and Decor Contest winners were awarded gift cards, yard signs were posted (and collected) and results were shared via Facebook and email. Congratulations to this year’s winners:
- First Place: 42219 Hartford Court
- Second Place: 42238 Wickfield Court
- Third Place: 42207 Highgate Court
- Honorable Mention: 42231 Hartford Court, 6835 Brookshire Drive, 42130 Greenwood Drive
- The Tiny Libraries have been cleaned and restocked.
Vice President’s report:
- No report.
Secretary’s report:
- No report.
Treasurer’s Report
- Karen will begin preparing notices of annual dues once the new amount has been voted on (see New Business).
- For a copy of the budget, please contact treasurer@pickwickvillage.org
By-Laws Report:
- No report.
Beautification Report:
- After the mid-January snowfall, Mike followed up with plowing issues and requested snow be spread out to all corners at Pickwick/greenwood. The plowing company returned and further cleared streets and driveways.
- Note for residents: Leaving cars parked on the street does impede plowing efforts for the whole subdivision. When snow is predicted, it is important that residents do not park in the street.
- The Lawn and Snow services are signed for a two-year contract, so no new contract will be needed this summer and next winter.
Welcoming Report:
- No report.
New business:
- Board members voted electronically to keep the HOA Annual Dues increase at 3%, in keeping with the association’s by-laws. Dues for 2024 will be $118.
The next meeting will be at 7:00 p.m. on February 13 at 6835 Brookshire Drive.