Attendance (absent members are highlighted)
President: Stacey Krum
Vice President: Katy Marquart
Treasurer: Karen Ryan
Secretary: Emily Kagey
Beautification: Mike Tykoski
By Laws: Kurt Richter
Welcoming: Kristin Noel
Social Media: Kyle Stone
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.
President’s report:
- Stacey has refreshed the tiny libraries.
Vice President’s report:
- No report
- No report.
Treasurer’s Report
- As of March 15, 70% of the dues had been paid. Kyle will send another email blast and a reminder on Facebook.
- The budget is on track. For a copy of the budget, please contact
- No report.
- Update on the south park drainage project
- Mike has reached out to Swifty to see if that’s something they do
- He has also spoken to Reliable, and they cannot come in until the ground has dried more. Mike is going to push back and ask for a firmer date.
- Karen will call and tell them that she needs to know the install date for planning payment.
- Swifty has submitted an estimate for the lawn care. The quote was $7,750, including trimming the bushes on the Barchester island in the fall. They are going to come out to look at the parks for needs regarding weed and feed applications and then send an updated estimate.
- That price is $1000 less than our existing contract, and the existing contract was set to go up a couple of thousand dollars
- The board is in favor of awarding the contract to Swifty. If the cost is less than the cost already approved for J. Averie, Mike can move forward with Swifty. If it’s substantially more, he will notify the board before proceeding.
- No report.
Social media
- The neighborhood Facebook group is getting a little overwhelmed with advertisements that are not directly relevant to the neighborhood. New members have to agree to terms to join. New members must:
- be current or past resident of Pickwick,
- agree to community guidelines,
- have had a Facebook account for at least 3 months,
- have a photo in their profile image, and
- live within 25 miles of Pickwick.
Old business
- New sign for the Barchester Island:
- The board is in agreement that the estimates we’ve received are too high and we cannot justify the expense at this time.
- Mike has found some kits that we could potentially use to construct stone or stone-like columns for a new sign.
- Emily is going to see if she can reach someone from Parkwood Estates to see where they got their sign. She will also research other sign printing companies.
- Karen is going to reach out to the Chamber of Commerce to see if they have suggestions for sign production companies.
- Instead of pursuing the more expensive sign options, the board plans to continue building up the savings to ultimately replace or repair the playscapes.
- We will plan to spend this year trying to identify potential vendors and service options for the playscapes, with the goal of beginning to gather quotes next year.
- Stacey and Katy are going to begin looking back into options for street sign options. researching the street toppers
- Karen will look for information about who sealed the south park path most recently, so we can look into sealing the path again.
The meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m.
The next meeting will be at 7:00 p.m. on April 13, 2022 in the north park pavilion (weather permitting).