Pickwick Village Homeowner Association Board Special HOA Meeting April 13, 2021

Attendance (absent members are highlighted)

President: Stacey Krum

Vice President: Katy Marquart

Treasurer: Karen Ryan (via phone)

Secretary: Emily Kagey

Beautification: Mike Tykoski

By Laws: Kurt Richter

Welcoming: Kristin Noel

Social Media: Kyle Stone  (via phone)

Visitors: Bev Bazzell, Harrie Dem Boer, Sandra Dem Boer, Jacob Kagey, Wesley Krum, Butch Richards, Julie Sandler, Dianne Tykoski, Mark Windecke

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.

In response to requests from residents, the HOA Board held a special emergency meeting on April 13 to discuss a time-sensitive issue: the ongoing removal of trees and greenery that line the neighborhood’s northern border and provide dedicated greenspace between Pickwick Village and the Canton Forest condos.

New business:

  • The Canton Forest condos have been clearing trees and brush, but there is a formal agreement between Pickwick Village and the condo association that the will maintain a greenspace “buffer zone” between the houses and condos. This agreement was signed and registered with Canton in 1989, when the condos were first being developed, as a requirement for allowing the land to be used for multi-family dwellings.
  • The agreement details the exact number and types of trees and other greenery, and the space, that is to be maintained.
  • The board heard comments from visitors regarding the history of this agreement, recent conversations and interactions that neighbors have had with those who are clearing the greenery in ways that violate that agreement, and changes they’ve noticed in the landscaping.
  • Stacey Krum reported that she has spoken with the vice president of the Canton Forrest association, but these conversations have not been productive in getting the association to stop removing the greenery.
  • Bev Bazzell was on the board at the time that the agreement was established. She has provided an unsigned copy of the agreement to the Board. Stacey is working with the Canton Department of Public Works to find out if they have the signed copy. [Update: Canton does have a signed copy on file.]
  • The board and visitors discussed plans to cease the removal of greenery and restore the greenspace to its required specifications:
    • Stacey will continue to work with Canton Township offices to determine where the signed copy currently resides. [It is on file in the Canton archives]
    • Stacey will contact the HOA and let them know we have documentation of an agreement that requires Canton Forest to maintain the greenspace according to the specifications drawn up in 1989.
    • If the email does not prompt a response and the cessation of clearing, the Pickwick Board will reach out to a lawyer with whom Bev has been in contact to begin pursuing legal action if necessary.

Old business/Reports

  • No other reports or business were discussed during the special April meeting. Reports will be updated at the May meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

The next meeting will be at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 11, 2021. The meeting is scheduled to be in the north park pavilion, as weather permits.

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