Pickwick Village Homeowner Association Board
Monthly HOA Meeting. January 21, 2021
Attendance (absent members are highlighted)
President: Stacey Krum
Vice President: Katy Marquart
Treasurer: Karen Ryan
Secretary: Emily Kagey
Beautification: Mike Tykoski
By Laws: Kurt Richter
Welcoming: Kristin Noel
Social Media: Kyle Stone
The virtual meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.
President’s report:
- 165 houses participated in the annual holiday lights contest (up from 117 in 2019). The 2020 winners were:
- First place: 42063 Greenwood
- Second place: 6711 Brookshire Drive
- Third place: 6108 Courtland Drive
- Honorable mention: 42050 Hanford, 42047 Hanford, 42035 Hanford, 6817 Brookshire Drive, 6199 Courtland
Vice President’s report:
- No report
- No report.
Treasurer’s Report
- Notice of the annual dues will be mailed by January 31. Dues will be $112 (homeowners paying online will also pay a small processing fee of $3.55). The amount reflects a 3% increase over the previous year, in accordance with the Pickwick Village by-laws. Preliminary plans for 2021 projects can be found in the August 2020 meeting minutes.
- The outstanding lien on one home was paid on time in 2020; only two liens remain. Karen will include notice of any outstanding liens in the annual dues letters.
- Karen presented the treasurer’s report, and the budget is on track. For a copy of the budget, please contact treasurer@pickwickvillage.org
- No report.
- The snowplow contract was finalized in December. Based on board members’ observations, it appears the company has completed two plowings.
- The roofs of the tiny libraries need to be repaired before spring, to avoid leakage. Kyle is going to look into the process for doing this.
- Mike has been checking the trash in the North and South Parks to ensure they do not overflow in the winter months, when the landscape company does not maintain the parks.
- Mike has received quotes for the 2021 landscape service. The quote from J. Averie, the company used in 2020, was the lowest quote. Based on the quality of service received in summer 2020, the board is in favor of re-signing with J. Averie.
- The board discussed the need to clean up the North Park pavilion and the South Park playscape. Board members plan to take on these projects in the spring, once weather allows.
- No report.
Social media
- The website has been updated to reflect the 2021 dues information and to remove language referring to the past special assessment.
Old business
New business
- Katy mentioned that the path in the south park is quite icy. The plow/landscape company does not maintain parks in the winter.
- The board discussed purchasing signage to alert residents to potentially icy conditions.
- Emily made a motion to spend up to $35 to purchase signs. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
- Stacey priced out cost of two solar lights for the main entrance on Barchester, to improve visibility of the subdivision entrance (based on resident feedback). The cost would be approximately $35-$40 for a set of 2.
- Emily made a motion to do purchase the lights. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, HOA Board meetings are being held virtually. The next meeting will be at 7:00 p.m. on February 17, 2021. For a link to join the meeting, email president@pickwickvillage.org