Pickwick Village Homeowner Association Board Annual HOA Meeting October 13, 2020

Pickwick Village Homeowner Association Board Annual HOA Meeting October 13, 2020

Attendance (absent members are highlighted)
President: Stacey Krum
Vice President: Katy Marquart
Treasurer: Karen Ryan
Secretary: Emily Kagey
Beautification: Mike Tykoski
By Laws: Kurt Ricther
Welcoming: Kristin Noel
Social Media: Kyle Stone

Visitors: Jim Leddy, Steve Kilijanczyk

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM.

President’s report:

  • Reminders about Halloween
    • In the interest of public health and safety, the HOA will not hold a Halloween Parade this year.
    • Residents are encouraged to get creative about handing out candy to trick-or-treaters, if they choose to do so. Some tips are below, and the board will email out more ideas.
      • Place candy in a shallow kiddie pool, on table, or in a large/flat container on the driveway.
      • Place hand sanitizer on the table where treats will be.
      • Have a driveway bonfire and place candy at the end of the driveway near the sidewalk.
      • Use individual candy/treat bags to prevent trick-or-treaters from digging through a candy dish.
      • Attach candy to small stakes and place them in the front yard for trick-or-treaters to collect.
      • Mark out six-foot increments using sidewalk chalk on your driveway or sidewalks, to help trick-or-treaters line up safely.
    • Movie night on October 10 was well attended.
    • The bench at the south park tiny library has been replaced. Both tiny libraries have been cleaned, sanitized, restocked, and decorated for fall.
    • We will aim for a newsletter draft to be ready by early December, for inclusion in the dues notices in January.

Vice President’s report:

  • No report


  • Minutes from the September meeting were approved via email.

Treasurer’s Report

  • Karen presented the treasurer’s report. Insurance and snow payments are coming up soon.
  • Bills were presented and paid for the water and popcorn for movie night and the tiny library bench to replace the broken bench in the south park.


  • No report.


  • The landscapers will trim and clean up the Barchester island for $225.
    • Mike made a motion to approve this work. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
  • The roofs of both tiny libraries will need to be replaced. It is a small project that the board likely could handle.
    • Emily made a motion to purchase up to $50 of supplies to re-shingle both roofs. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
  • Update on snow contract:
    • Due to scheduling conflicts arising from COVID-related issues, J. Averie requested that board allow Kyle Zionek of Vibrant Green Lawns to take over the snow-removal portion of the contract for the 2020-2021 winter. The board approved this change at the September meeting.
    • Kyle reviewed the contract again and believes the neighborhood the estimate does not include enough salt for the intersections. Previous contracts have not specified an amount of salt, only that intersections would be salted.
    • Mike will contact Kyle to get more information about salting needs. Mike will also get more information about how payments will work (do we pay Kyle directly or J. Averie?).
  • Update on park drainage:
    • Mike received two quotes for addressing the drainage issues in the parks. The quote from Reliable Landscaping was substantially lower. It included:
      • North park: Add topsoil, grass seed, and 12 dry wells ($3,500)
      • South park: 20 linear feet of French drain along the pathway, 300 feet of drainage around the playscape, topsoil and grass to replace what has died ($10,800)
    • Mike is going to contact Reliable again and ask for a quote that includes drainage only around the path-facing side of the playscape.


  • No report.

Social media

  • Kyle suggested doing a “pets of Pickwick” virtual contest. People could submit photos of their pets. Perhaps the board could compile them into a calendar for sales or contest prizes.

Old business

New business

  • None

Remarks from visitors

  • Steve commented that the grass in the parks looks good; the landscapers have done a good job this year.
  • Jim discussed the Canton roads program.
    • The next projects will be in 2022, but applications are due soon. Jim volunteered to handle the application project for one additional small project. A small project (up to $50,000) would require $2,500 from the association.
    • Jim suggested a list of priority areas. The board agreed that the first priorities should be the areas in front of 6823 Brookshire and 42063 Greenwood.
  • Jim saw a news article indicating the association may need to renew its licensing paperwork. Kurt will follow up.

The meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m.

For the fall and winter months, the board will transition back to virtual meetings. The next is scheduled for 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 17. Stacey will send out a link for the meeting.

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