Pickwick Village Homeowner Association Board Meeting, July 8, 2020

Attendance (absent members are highlighted)

President: Stacey Krum

Vice President: Katy Marquart

Treasurer: Karen Willis

Secretary: Emily Kagey

Beautification: Jason Willis

By Laws: Mike Tykoski

Welcoming: Kristin Noel (via phone)

Social Media: Kyle Stone

Guests: Wesley Krum; Karen Krot


The meeting was called to order at 7:10 PM.


President’s report:

  • Stacey proposed we revisit the idea of a printed newsletter. The board discussed options for frequency and timing and will aim for a semiannual newsletter, published in January and June.


Vice President’s report:

  • No report


  • Minutes from the June meeting were approved unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report

  • Payment for one outstanding lien was collected this month when the house sold to new owners.
  • Five homes have not paid this year’s dues. A letter will be sent out to homeowners who have not paid, notifying them that a lien will be placed on the home if payment is not made by August 15.
  • The treasurer’s report was approved unanimously.


  • No report.


  • Board members met on June 13 and 14 to trim trees and remove debris from the north and south parks. The response from neighbors has been positive.
  • Jason received three quotes for additional mulch to be added to the playscapes and the trees on Lilley. The board discussed the pricing and determined that mulch is not needed on the playscapes this year, as we are somewhat late into the season and the parks are getting less use this summer. Instead, the board will seek quotes for cleaning up and adding mulch to the six smaller islands in cul de sacs throughout the subdivision.
  • The board planned to revisit the topic of mulch for playscapes in early spring 2021, with the goal of having mulch added in June 2021.


  • Two Pickwick Village homes sold in June. Welcoming packages have not yet been delivered, due to concerns surrounding the pandemic. Two Pickwick homes remain on the market.

Social media

  • Kyle has been working to delete the Pickwick Facebook page, as the Facebook group is now the primary social media site.

Old business

  • The annual picnic was tentatively scheduled for August 1. The board discussed options for various neighborhood activities, in lieu of an annual picnic and camp-out this year:
    • July 24: Project the season’s first Tiger’s Game in the North Park; provide lawn markings to ensure social distancing.
    • August 1: Pickwick Slow Roll Bike Parade; begin at the South Park path at Hanford, process through the subdivision, end with a treat at the finish line; mark the start and finish lines with balloons.
    • August 29: Movie night at the North Park; project the movie onto the side of a home at the north entrance; provide individual popcorn bags and water; provide markings on the lawn to ensure social distancing.
  • A motion was made to move forward with these three events. The motion passed unanimously. Stacey will begin to make arrangements for the projector and draft a flyer to be distributed to residents.
  • Roads update: Permits are being released by Wayne County, and the township anticipates that work will start by the end of July. Once leadership meets with contractors, they will update us with specific dates.

Remarks from visitors:

  • Karen Krot provided information about excessive speeding on Greenwood drive. Cars frequently use Greenwood as a cut-through and do not follow speed limits, creating a sever safety problem for residents on the street. Karen asked what could be done to discourage speeding, including adding a three-way stop at the intersection of Greenwood and Pickwick. The board agreed that this is a problem.
    • Residents are encouraged to contact the Canton Police non-emergency number (734-394-5400) and report traffic and speeding violations.
    • Residents are encouraged to contact Wayne County (1-888-762-3273; https://www.waynecounty.com/departments/publicservices/roads/traffic-operation-office.aspx) and submit complaints; if enough individual complaints are received, the county can look into adding a stop sign.
    • Kyle will send an email blast and post these recommendations to the neighborhood’s Facebook group as well.

The meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.

The next meeting is scheduled for 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, August 19 in the north park pavilion. All are welcome to attend and get involved!

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