Pickwick Village Monthly HOA Meeting – February 25, 2025

Pickwick Village Homeowner Association Board
Monthly HOA Meeting
February 25, 2025

Attendance (absent members are in BLUE)
President: Stacey Krum
Vice President: Katy Marquart
Treasurer: Karen Ryan
Secretary: Emily Kagey
Beautification: Kelli Kunec
By Laws: Kurt Richter
Social Media: Dave Spotts
Welcoming: Kelly Estrada

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.

President’s report:
• No report.

Vice President’s report:
• No report.

• No report.

Treasurer’s Report
• Dues notices have gone out, and payments have already begun to arrive. At the time of
the meeting, over 80 homes had paid their 2025 dues. Dues must be paid by March 31
to avoid extra fees.
• For a copy of the budget, please contact treasurer@pickwickvillage.org

• No report.

• Kelly will put the signs about the annual dues out around the neighborhood.
• The owner of our plowing service mentioned that he can always tell when neighbors
have been asked to remove cars from the street before a snow, and he appreciates
everyone’s efforts to keep the streets clear for plowing. Additionally, during the most
recent snowfall, they made an extra effort to go back through and clear the ends of
driveways where possible.

• There are no new residents that the board is aware of.

Social media/Website
• Apple Pay and Google Pay have been added as payment options for residents who
elect to pay their annual dues online.
• Dave has been keeping up with the Facebook group to weed out spam accounts.
• This summer, Dave plans to get new photos and videos of the neighborhood to freshen
up the Pickwick Village website.

New business
• No new business.

Old Business
• Dave will develop a Google form to start gathering information about neighbors’
interest in pooling together for sidewalk repairs.

The meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.

The next meeting will be held at 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, March 18, at 6835 Brookshire Drive.

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Pickwick Village Monthly HOA Meeting November 21, 2024

Pickwick Village Homeowner Association Board
Monthly HOA Meeting
November 21, 2024

Attendance (absent members are strikethrough)
President: Stacey Krum
Vice President: Katy Marquart (outgoing member)
Treasurer: Karen Ryan
Secretary: Emily Kagey
Beautification: Mike Tykoski (outgoing member) and Kelli Kunec (incoming member)
By Laws: Kurt Richter
Social Media: Kyle Stone (outgoing member) and Dave Spotts (incoming member)

Welcoming: Kelly Estrada

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.

President’s report:

  • Stacey cleaned out the tiny libraries. The dog biscuit container was taken from the South Park tiny library again, so she replaced it.

Vice President’s report:

  • No report.


  • No report.

Treasurer’s Report

  • Karen has submitted payment for the South Park repaving project ($16,000).
  • The board will review available balances and the budget at the December meeting to determine what to move into the savings account for future projects. As of now, the budget is on track to move approximately $4,000 to savings at the end of the year.
  • For a copy of the budget, please contact treasurer@pickwickvillage.org


  • No report.


  • The paving on the South Park path is complete, but the path will need to be sealed in the spring. Mike has requested a quote for that work from the same company that did the paving. Mike is continuing to add straw and grass seed around the path.
  • The board discussed plans for cleaning out the garbage cans in the parks during the winter months. A neighborhood middle-schooler has volunteered to do this work. He will plan to check the cans every two weeks and assess whether different timing is needed as the season progresses.


  • Kelly has attempted to deliver a welcoming package to the newest resident in Pickwick Village and will continue to do so.

Social media

  • No report.

New business

  • Three new members have joined the board, in the positions of Vice President, Beatification, and Web Management/Social Media. The outgoing board members will transfer all necessary documents and information to the new board members before the December meeting.
  • The board discussed dues amounts for 2025. As contract costs increase (e.g., snow and landscaping), there is a need to increase dues. The 2025 dues will be $120.00, an increase of $2.00 per resident (plus any fees associated with online payment).
  • The board plans to send a newsletter along with the dues notices in January. This discussion was tabled until the December meeting, when the board will set dates for 2025 activities to include in the newsletter.
  • The annual holiday decoration contest is coming up again. Residents must have all lights and decor up and turned on by 6:00 p.m. on December 20 to be eligible for a prize this year.
  • Dave Spotts brought up the sidewalk paving that is planned for Pickwick residents. Many residents received green marks on their sidewalks, indicating that the residents are responsible for having the areas replaced or for paying Canton for replacement. The board discussed the option of allowing residents to pool together to hire a company for this work. The board will discuss this option further at future meetings.

Old Business

  • None

The meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
The next meeting will be held at 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, December 17,
at 6760 Brookshire Drive.

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Pickwick Village Homeowner Association Board Monthly HOA Meeting November 3, 2024

Attendance (absent members are highlighted)

President: Stacey Krum

Vice President: Katy Marquart

Treasurer: Karen Ryan

Secretary: Emily Kagey

Beautification: Mike Tykoski

By Laws: Kurt Richter

Welcoming: Kelly Estrada

Social Media: Kyle Stone


The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.


President’s report:

  • Stacey is in communication with three neighbors who have expressed interest in joining the board. She will reach out to them to schedule the transition by the second November meeting.
  • Cory Jackson (Vice President position)
  • Dave Potts (Social Media position)
  • Kelli Kunec (Beautification position)
  • The Halloween parade was so well attended that all treats were handed out. Stacey has found that several of the items are on sale now, so she is going to try to stock up now for next year.


Vice President’s report:

  • No report.



  • No report.


Treasurer’s Report

  • Receipts were presented and paid for Halloween parade supplies ($145.95) and welcoming packages ($50).
  • The budget is on track. The board will review available balances and the budget at the December meeting, once insurance and the south park paving project are paid, to determine what to move into the savings account for future projects.
  • For a copy of the budget, please contact treasurer@pickwickvillage.org



  • No report.



  • The south park paving project is scheduled to take place on November 8
    • Update since this meeting: The project took longer than anticipated, but was completed as of November 12.
    • Mike is adding hay and grass seed around the path.
    • The contractors noted that this round is likely the last time we can add a layer on the top; the next time repairs are needed, we will need to fully tear out the path and pave a new one.
  • Mike will submit the application and $2,500 payment for the 2028 roads project.
  • The board is in need of a resident volunteer to store the signs used to announce dues and meetings. The volunteer would not need to serve on the board; their only role would be to store the signs and place them out at the appropriate time, approximately three times a year.



  • A new neighbor has moved into 6836 Brookshire Drive. Kelly will deliver a welcome package.


Social media

  • No report.


New business


Old Business

  • Mike received a quote from Swifty of $20,650 per year for lawn and snow.
    • This represents an increase of approximately 14% over our current contract ($18,040 per year).
    • This new quote would be a 2-year extension to our current contract (summer 2025, winter 2025-26, summer 2026, winter 2026-2027).
    • The board previously discussed extending the contract, and then getting all new quotes in 2026. After reviewing the quote, members also unanimously approved the extension at this meeting.


The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.



The November and December meetings will be held on the following dates:

  • Thursday, November 21, 7:00 pm (either 6835 Brookshire Drive or 6760 Brookshire Drive; location to be determined closer to the date)
  • Tuesday, December 17, location TBA
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Approximately 20 neighbors attended the annual meeting prior to the picnic.


What the board has been up to this year:

  • Monitored South Park draining — new system seems to be working
  • Gathered quotes to repair/resurface or replace South Park path; plan to begin work late-September
  • Neighborhood Roads Projects for 2024 underway now; we have now applied and been approved for projects through 2027
  • Maintained park pavilion and Tiny Libraries (North and South Parks)
  • Gathered quotes for tree trimming in both parks; due to high price of all quotes, board members trimmed trees and cleaned up in North Park; South Park is scheduled for next summer
  • Maintained irrigation lines in Barchester entry island
  • Had playscape company assess current play structures and provide cost estimates as well as guidance for replacing them
  • Weeded playscape areas in both parks, entry island, and cul-de-sac islands
  • Rototilled volleyball court
  • Welcomed numerous new neighbors with welcome packets
  • Created the Pickwick Newsletter and summer event flyer
  • Planned and hosted outdoor movie nights, annual chili cookoff, slow roll bike parade, holiday lights and decorating contest, Halloween parade, neighborhood garage, and the annual picnic and campout


Treasurer’s Report

  • Karen Ryan provided an overview of the current status of the HOA’s budget and finances.


New business and discussion topics


  • Three board members are rotating off this year. We are in need of volunteers to fill the positions of Beautification, Vice President and Social Media
    • Corey Jackson volunteered for Vice President
    • The board is following up with a few neighbors who also expressed interest in volunteering.
  • Neighbors are reminded that branches over sidewalks MUST be trimmed to leave at least a seven-foot clearance above the sidewalk; this keeps our neighbors safe, and it’s required by Canton ordinance.
  • The playscapes in both the North and South Parks are approximately 30 years old. The board has been in communication with a playscape company throughout the year to determine possibilities for updating the playscapes. This included phone call discussions, emails, and an on-site consultation. The North Park playscape was deemed to be in greater need of replacement, structurally. Due to the estimated cost, the board is following a five-year plan to try and save enough money to replace both structures.
  • A resident brought up concern regarding the drainage pipe along Greenwood.


Future Projects/Events/Ideas

  • Replace North and South Park playscapes (long-term plan)
  • Back-to-school movie night (September 7, 2024)
  • Chili Cookoff and fall movie night (October 19, 2024)
  • Holiday lights and décor contest (December 2024)
  • Hammock posts in parks
  • Install baseball bases and fix up backstop in North Park
  • Food truck nights (https://yourneighborhoodbites.com/)
  • Butterfly/hummingbird wildflower gardens or community veggie garden in North and South parks
  • Cement cornhole set
  • Seasonal hockey rink in North Park


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Pickwick Village Homeowner Association Board Monthly HOA Meeting July 13, 2024

Attendance (absent members are highlighted)

President: Stacey Krum

Vice President: Katy Marquart

Treasurer: Karen Ryan

Secretary: Emily Kagey

Beautification: Mike Tykoski

By Laws: Kurt Richter

Welcoming: Kelly Estrada

Social Media: Kyle Stone


The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM. 


President’s report:

  • No report.


Vice President’s report:

  • No report.



  • No report.


Treasurer’s Report

  • There are three homes that have not paid their dues. Board members will make one final attempt to collect before filing liens.  Karen would like to find an attorney to handle this. Stacey will ask a neighbor for the name of an attorney they used.
  • For a copy of the budget, please contact treasurer@pickwickvillage.org



  • Kurt will be reviewing bylaws.



  • Trees in South Park will be trimmed next summer.



  • Kelly welcomed a new family on Courtland.
  • There is a new family that recently moved in on Brookshire/Sunderland. Kelly will stop by.
  • A house recently sold on Barchester.


Social media

  • Kyle will continue to update the Pickwick website. He will look into a bill that was received for our website. 


New business

  • Preparations for the 2024 road project have started. Mike will contact the township to check if the intersection of Brookshire and Pickwick will be addressed.
  • Mike will spray the weeds on the playground.
  • Mike will talk to a neighbor about rototilling the volleyball court.
  • The Board will meet on Tuesday 8/13 to review the quotes for fixing the South Park path
  • Preparations are complete for the Slow Roll. Kurt will help with traffic control. Stacey will text some people to help.
  • Text Stacey with items to add to the end-of-year summary to distribute at the picnic.
  • Katy will repost the community guidelines for the Facebook page.
  • Preparations underway for the picnic.
  • Dan the Kona Man has been booked for both the Slow Roll and annual picnic.
  • Stacey will do signs for the pavilion
  • Karen and Stacey will get drinks, chips, cookie
  • Katy will place Jimmy Johns order
  • To conserve resources, we will not book a port-o-potty this year as it has not been utilized much in previous years.


Old Business

  • The work planned for the island was not completed by the neighbors who volunteered to do this in late June (pulling out grasses and rose bushes, planting lilies, spraying weeds)


The meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.


The next meeting will be the annual Pickwick on Saturday, August 24, beginning at noon, followed by the annual neighborhood picnic. 


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Pickwick Village Homeowner Association Board Monthly HOA Meeting June 13, 2024

Attendance (absent members are highlighted)

President: Stacey Krum

Vice President: Katy Marquart

Treasurer: Karen Ryan

Secretary: Emily Kagey

Beautification: Mike Tykoski

By Laws: Kurt Richter

Welcoming: Kelly Estrada

Social Media: Kyle Stone


Visitor: Michelle Mihajlovski-Mahler


The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.


President’s report:

  • No report.


Vice President’s report:

  • No report.



  • No report.


Treasurer’s Report

  • Karen has collected 287; A representative from the board will visit the three houses that have not yet paid.
  • Karen reimbursed Emily $320 for payment to Charlie Pell (for weeding)
  • For a copy of the budget, please contact treasurer@pickwickvillage.org



  • Kurt is going to go through the by-laws and see if anything would need to change following recent changes to Canton Township Ordinances.



  • Mike is going to look into renting a rototiller to till the volleyball court before the annual picnic.
  • Mike is going to spray the two playscapes
  • South Park sealing update:
    • Wesley Krum is reaching out to a company regarding sealing the path. The company came out and took pictures.
    • Mike will contact the Sealcoat.
  • Our sub will be in phase 3 of the annual Canton roads projects, which will take place September 25 – November 15. For 2024 road repairs, focus will be on drainage areas where there is a gap in the pavement (see map, below).



  • Kelly has attempted one delivery to new neighbors; she will attempt again.


Social media

  • No report.


New business

  • Board members sign on for three-year terms, and most of the current board members have served much longer. Three board members will be rotating off the board this year. Volunteers are needed to fill the three positions.
  • Michelle Mihajlovski-Mahler brought up concern regarding the front grasses. The board discussed alternate options. The plan is to pull the largest grasses at the front of the island, as well as some of the damaged rose bushes and boxwoods, and replace them with sun-loving hostas and day lilies. Michelle said that she and her spouse could spray the island and pull up the larger grasses at the front of the island, and she has plants that she will be dividing and can donate to the island.
  • The board scheduled a clean-up day for Monday, June 24, to work on trimming some of the dead tree limbs around the parks.


Old Business

  • Plans for summer events:
    • Bounce houses and water slide are booked for the annual picnic. Dan the Kona Man is booked for the Slow Roll and annual picnic.
    • Dan the Kona Man has been booked for both the Slow Roll and annual picnic.
    • Emily will book the port-o-potty again.
    • Katy is going to buy a balloon arch and check status of tickets for slow roll
    • Karen and Stacey will get drinks, chips, cookie
    • Katy will place Jimmy Johns order
  • The board further discussed options for replacing and updating the playscapes in the north and south parks. The existing playscapes are from Recreation Creation and are approximately 30 years old.
    • The quote came in at just over $30 for one park, including removal of the existing structure and installation of the new structure.
    • The association currently has approximately $23,000 in savings, with $5,000 of that reserved for the South Park path. We are close to having enough to replace the structure in the North Park, which the company recommends replacing first for safety and structural reasons. It would take approximately 10 years to save up for the second structure.
    • The board discussed whether to consider a special assessment to get the remaining funds for one play scape and/or enough funds to cover both playscapes at once.
    • The board voted to table the conversation about the assessment for further discussion during the annual meeting.



The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.


The next meeting will be at 7:00 p.m. on July 17, 2024, in the Pavilion.

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Pickwick Village Homeowner Association Board Monthly HOA Meeting May 12, 2024

Attendance (absent members are highlighted)

President: Stacey Krum

Vice President: Katy Marquart

Treasurer: Karen Ryan

Secretary: Emily Kagey

Beautification: Mike Tykoski

By Laws: Kurt Richter

Welcoming: Kelly Estrada

Social Media: Kyle Stone


The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.


President’s report:

  • No report.


Vice President’s report:

  • No report.



  • No report.


Treasurer’s Report



  • No report.



  • Mike requested new quotes for trimming and cleaning up trees in the main parks.
    • He received another quote from Andrews Tree Service for about $3500. The quotes have all been around $3500 to $4000.
    • We will look into trimming only the trees by the west and north entrances to the North Park and around the playscapes in the South Park.
  • Mike sprayed the weeds in the Barchester island. The board discussed cleaning up the playscape weeds in both parks. Stacey will ask Charlie Pell to come out and take care of weeding those areas.
  • Mike is going to reach out to the lawn/plow company about renewing our contract.
  • We plan to reseal the South Park path this year. Board members will seek quotes for both resealing and repaving.



  • No report.


Social media

  • The license for the Pickwick Village website will be coming due in August.
    • Kyle reported that the cost of SquareSpace, and it would be about $400 per year. He did not find a calendar module that he liked as well as what we have now.
  • Kyle will be stepping down from this role in July. The board is seeking a volunteer to fill the Communications/Web Master role.


New business

  • Summer event planning:
    • Stacey will reach out to Dan the Kona Man to reserve him for the Slow Roll and summer picnic. She will also reserve the bounce house and water slide for the picnic.


Old Business

  • The board further discussed options for replacing and updating the playscapes in the north and south parks. The existing playscapes are from Recreation Creation and are approximately 30 years old.
    • Dave, the general manager from Kids Gotta Play, came to the neighborhood on May 3 to look at the existing playscapes and make recommendations.
      • Dave noted that the North Park playscape is in worse shape, structurally, than the South Park playscape. The South Park playscape has cosmetic damage but is structurally sound for now.
      • He noted that the North Park playscape area could be reconfigured fairly easily to accommodate a different shape of playscape or a slightly larger playscape.
      • He recommended against residential playscapes and suggested that steel and plastic would be the best bet for longevity in our type of setting.
      • He noted that they can blow in mulch (optional) and remove the old playscapes.
      • They do offer financing.
    • Following that meeting, Amy (of Kids Gotta Play) sent additional recommendations, which the board reviewed.
      • Based on costs, the board will aim to replace one playscape this year and then replace the other within five years, once savings have built back up. We will also look into financing options.
    • Emily is going to ask Amy for a detailed quote on full installation and removal.
    • The board will plan to vote on a plan for moving forward with the playscapes at the June meeting.



The meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m.


The next meeting will be at 7:00 p.m. on June 13, 2024, in the Pavilion.

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Pickwick Village Homeowner Association Board Monthly HOA Meeting April 16, 2024

Attendance (absent members are highlighted)

President: Stacey Krum

Vice President: Katy Marquart

Treasurer: Karen Ryan

Secretary: Emily Kagey

Beautification: Mike Tykoski

By Laws: Kurt Richter

Welcoming: Kelly Estrada

Social Media: Kyle Stone


Guests: Wesley Krum


The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.


President’s report:

  • The tiny libraries have been cleaned out. Stacey suggested we host a “take a book” event at some point this summer to help clean out some of the overstock.


Vice President’s report:

  • No report.



  • No report.


Treasurer’s Report

  • Thirty-six houses have not yet paid their dues. Those who have not paid will owe the full amount plus a penalty equal to the full amount of the dues.
  • Eighty-one people used the online payment system this year.
  • For a copy of the budget, please contact treasurer@pickwickvillage.org



  • No report.



  • Mike requested new quotes for trimming and cleaning up trees in the main parks, focusing on those that most need trimming. He has received one quote to date, for about $4,000.
  • Canton is opening applications for the 2027 roads projects. Per a previous board vote to submit a small project each year, Mike will submit the application for the small project.
  • We would normally have new wood chips brought in around this time and were planning to do the playscapes; but since there is a chance the playscapes will be replaced in the coming months, we will hold off on that.
  • The board will reach out to the person who helped with weeding and power washing last summer and ask him to come weed the main Barchester island again.
  • The board received a notice that the street sign at Lilly and Greenwood was knocked askew. [Update: This has now been repaired.]



  • One new person has moved in on Courtland. Kelly will deliver their welcome packet.


Social media

  • The license for the Pickwick Village website will be coming due in August. Kyle suggested that the board may want to consider whether to renew the site exactly as it is or switch to a new content management system (e.g., Squarespace). He will look into some options and present them to the board.


New business

  • No new business.


Old Business

  • The board further discussed options for replacing and updating the playscapes in the north and south parks.
    • The current playscapes are composite/metal and are approximately 30 years old. A slide had to be removed from the north park playscape a few years ago due to extensive damage and dangerous cracks. The south park playscape is showing substantial cosmetic damage.
    • Emily has been in touch with the representative from Kids Gotta Play and has received several quotes and layout options.
    • One main consideration is whether we go with wood commercial or composite/steel. Wood is much less expensive, but also requires regular maintenance and may not last as long. The board discussed the pros and cons of each option and did not come to a decision.
    • Emily is going to ask a representative from Kids Gotta Play to come visit the parks, look at the existing structures, and provide further information and recommendations to the board.



The meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.


The next meeting will be at 7:00 p.m. on May 16, 2024, in the Pavilion.

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Pickwick Village Homeowner Association Board Monthly HOA Meeting February 13, 2024

Attendance (absent members are highlighted)

President: Stacey Krum

Vice President: Katy Marquart

Treasurer: Karen Ryan

Secretary: Emily Kagey

Beautification: Mike Tykoski

By Laws: Kurt Richter

Welcoming: Kelly Estrada

Social Media: Kyle Stone



The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.


President’s report:

  • Stacey has drafted a newsletter, which she will print for distribution in the coming weeks.


Vice President’s report:

  • No report.



  • No report.


Treasurer’s Report

  • Dues have already started coming in at a steady pace.
  • Karen will send the final payment for the snow plow service.
  • The board reviewed the current balances and discussed budgets available for upcoming projects, including resealing the South Park pathway and repairing or replacing playscapes.
  • The budget is on track. For a copy of the budget, please contact treasurer@pickwickvillage.org



  • Kurt responded to an email query regarding pool installation.



  • When the recent snow thawed, the drainage in the South Park appeared to be working better than in the past.
  • Mike is going to reach out to the tree trimming companies that provided quotes in the fall and ask them to requote the project focusing only on those trees in most need (i.e., those that present a safety hazard or danger to property).



  • No report; to the board’s knowledge, there have not been any recent home sales.


Social media

  • The license for the Pickwick Village website will be coming due in August. Kyle suggested that the board may want to consider whether to renew the site exactly as it is or switch to a new content management system (e.g., Squarespace). He will look into some options and present them to the board.


New business

  • The board discussed neighborhood improvement plans for the spring and summer:
    • Seal the South Park path
    • Look into landscaping options to further improve drainage, such as river birches
    • Mulch around the playscapes
    • Get quotes for repairing or replacing playscapes.



The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.


The next meeting will be at 7:00 p.m. on March 12, 2024, at 6760 Brookshire Drive.

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Pickwick Village Homeowner Association Board Monthly HOA Reports January 2024

Due to scheduling complications, the board was unable to hold an official meeting in January. Board members provided the following reports and voted on business electronically:


President’s report:

  • Annual Lights and Decor Contest winners were awarded gift cards, yard signs were posted (and collected) and results were shared via Facebook and email. Congratulations to this year’s winners:
    • First Place: 42219 Hartford Court
    • Second Place: 42238 Wickfield Court
    • Third Place: 42207 Highgate Court
    • Honorable Mention: 42231 Hartford Court, 6835 Brookshire Drive, 42130 Greenwood Drive
  • The Tiny Libraries have been cleaned and restocked.


Vice President’s report:

  • No report.


Secretary’s report:

  • No report.


Treasurer’s Report

  • Karen will begin preparing notices of annual dues once the new amount has been voted on (see New Business).
  • For a copy of the budget, please contact treasurer@pickwickvillage.org


By-Laws Report:

  • No report.


Beautification Report:

  • After the mid-January snowfall, Mike followed up with plowing issues and requested snow be spread out to all corners at Pickwick/greenwood. The plowing company returned and further cleared streets and driveways.
    • Note for residents: Leaving cars parked on the street does impede plowing efforts for the whole subdivision. When snow is predicted, it is important that residents do not park in the street.
  • The Lawn and Snow services are signed for a two-year contract, so no new contract will be needed this summer and next winter.


Welcoming Report:

  • No report.


New business:

  • Board members voted electronically to keep the HOA Annual Dues increase at 3%, in keeping with the association’s by-laws. Dues for 2024 will be $118.



The next meeting will be at 7:00 p.m. on February 13 at 6835 Brookshire Drive.

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