Pickwick Village Homeowner Association Board
Monthly HOA Meeting
February 25, 2025
Attendance (absent members are in BLUE)
President: Stacey Krum
Vice President: Katy Marquart
Treasurer: Karen Ryan
Secretary: Emily Kagey
Beautification: Kelli Kunec
By Laws: Kurt Richter
Social Media: Dave Spotts
Welcoming: Kelly Estrada
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.
President’s report:
• No report.
Vice President’s report:
• No report.
• No report.
Treasurer’s Report
• Dues notices have gone out, and payments have already begun to arrive. At the time of
the meeting, over 80 homes had paid their 2025 dues. Dues must be paid by March 31
to avoid extra fees.
• For a copy of the budget, please contact treasurer@pickwickvillage.org
• No report.
• Kelly will put the signs about the annual dues out around the neighborhood.
• The owner of our plowing service mentioned that he can always tell when neighbors
have been asked to remove cars from the street before a snow, and he appreciates
everyone’s efforts to keep the streets clear for plowing. Additionally, during the most
recent snowfall, they made an extra effort to go back through and clear the ends of
driveways where possible.
• There are no new residents that the board is aware of.
Social media/Website
• Apple Pay and Google Pay have been added as payment options for residents who
elect to pay their annual dues online.
• Dave has been keeping up with the Facebook group to weed out spam accounts.
• This summer, Dave plans to get new photos and videos of the neighborhood to freshen
up the Pickwick Village website.
New business
• No new business.
Old Business
• Dave will develop a Google form to start gathering information about neighbors’
interest in pooling together for sidewalk repairs.
The meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.
The next meeting will be held at 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, March 18, at 6835 Brookshire Drive.