Pickwick Village Homeowner Association Board Monthly HOA Meeting November 11, 2020
Attendance (absent members are highlighted)
President: Stacey Krum
Vice President: Katy MarquartTreasurer: Karen Ryan
Secretary: Emily Kagey
Beautification: Mike Tykoski
By Laws: Kurt Richter
Welcoming: Kristin Noel
Social Media: Kyle Stone
The virtual meeting was called to order at 7:10 PM.
President’s report:
The holiday lights contest is coming up. Judging dates will be announced on the flyer that will be sent out to residents. (Update: Judging will take place December 20; all lights must be on by 6:30 p.m.)
Jim Leddy contacted the township about applications for a 2022 roads project; it is still too early to apply.
The newsletter is finished and ready for proofreading and final dates to be added, in time to go out with the annual notice of dues in early 2021.
Stacey received a few calls about the streetlight at Lilley and Barchester being out. She submitted a repair request on November 2. She has also submitted a repair request through Plymouth Canton.
The tiny library roof project has not been completed yet.
Vice President’s report:
No report
Minutes from the October meeting were approved via email.
Treasurer’s Report
Karen presented the treasurer’s report.
The insurance should be coming in the next week or so. Karen is just waiting on contact information for the plow company to begin paying on the snow contract.
No report.
Mike received an updated quote on the snow contract.
The board could pay for unlimited plows, but the price would be higher than the previous contract. However, the board can get 11 guaranteed plows, and have intersections salted, for $7,700.
The board discussed the options and considered that we have not had more than 10 snow occurrences with 2+ inches in recent history.
The board discussed the need to salt every intersection or just main intersections (excluding courts) and determined that the best value and use of association resources would be to salt main intersections.
Emily made a motion to contract for 11 plows, with salt at main intersections. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
UPDATE: Since the meeting, that plow company contracted with other clients and will not be able to add Pickwick. Mike reached to additional companies; while many are no longer taking on new clients, he was able to get a bid with Executive Property for $7265. This would provide unlimited plows (when snowfall is 2 inches) and salt at the intersections. The board voted via email to approve this contract.
Mike and Stacey have reached out to Charlie at J. Averie to get paperwork that releases the board from the snow portion of our contract for this year only.
Mike is going to plan to empty trash cans in the parks once a month during the winter months.
Mike received a new estimate on drainage options for the south park. Adding extra drainage on just the front side of the playscape, plus extra dirt and grass, would be approximately $5000. This should take care of the main flooding concerns around the pathway and the playscape.
Emily made a motion to approve this work. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
Three Pickwick houses sold in October.
Social media
Kyle will post the flyer about the upcoming lights competition.
Old business
New business
The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
For the fall and winter months, the board will transition back to virtual meetings. The next is scheduled for 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 15. Stacey will send out a link for the meeting.