Pickwick Village Homeowner Association Board Monthly HOA Meeting September 21, 2022

Attendance (absent members are highlighted)

President: Stacey Krum

Vice President: Katy Marquart

Treasurer: Karen Ryan

Secretary: Emily Kagey

Beautification: Mike Tykoski

By Laws: Kurt Richter

Welcoming: Kelly Estrada

Social Media: Kyle Stone


Guests: Wesley Krum, Dianne Tykoski


The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.


President’s report:

  • The annual meeting, picnic and movie night had a great turnout this year.


Vice President’s report:

  • No report.



  • No report.


Treasurer’s Report



  • No report.



  • A new bucket swing has been installed in the south park.
  • Mike will plan to remove the volleyball net from the north park in mid- to late October and store it for the winter.
  • Mike is working with Swifty to secure the snow plowing contract.
  • The playscapes are slated to get new mulch next spring.
  • The north park pavilion still needs clean-up work. Pickwick resident Jason Willis has offered to help with power washing. The board discussed washing the pavilion ceiling and perhaps repainting it, and then washing the cement and other surfaces.
  • Mike is looking into options to install more park activities. He found a semi-permanent cornhole set (cement) and is researching that. The board will revisit this idea in the spring, once more is known about the south park drainage plans.
  • The board also discussed ideas for installing a temporary ice rink in the large unused section of the north park for the winter.



  • No report.


Social media

  • Kyle has set up a new online calendar and pavilion reservation system. The system is mostly automated now, and residents can reserve the pavilion through this link: https://pickwickvillage.org/booking/


New business

Old business

  • Update on south park drainage:
    • Mike has received a quote for the south park drainage project, which came in at approximately $16,000, and is in talks with one other company to get another quote.
    • Mike believes some grading may fix a lot of the problem. He is going to do a bit more research to see if this is something we can do ourselves.
    • The board has been holding off on repairing the path while trying to get the drainage issue fixed, in case the equipment to fix the drain would further damage the path. If we are not able to fix the drainage issue by the end of next summer, we will proceed with the path repairs.
  • Update on fall neighborhood activities:
    • The chili cookoff and fall movie night will be held on October 22. The plan is to hold both events in the north entrance to the north park. The cookoff will begin later in the evening than in past years and will lead straight into movie night.
    • The Halloween Parade will be held on October 31. Stacey is ordering supplies to be passed out along the path in the south park. :
      • September 10: Back-to-school movie night
      • October 22: Halloween/fall movie night

The meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m.

The next meeting will be at 7:00 p.m. on October 20, 2022, in the north park pavilion (weather

permitting). All residents are welcome to attend and get involved

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