Attendance (absent members are highlighted)
President: Stacey Krum
Vice President: Katy Marquart
Treasurer: Karen Ryan
Secretary: Emily Kagey
Beautification: Mike Tykoski
By Laws: Kurt Richter
Welcoming: Kristin Noel
Social Media: Kyle Stone
Visitor: David Ryan, Roadhouse Signs
The virtual meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.
David Ryan discussed potential options and costs for a new subdivision sign at the Barchester entrance. The board was interested in the option of faux stone, which is durable and weather-resistant (including being safe against Michigan weather extremes), but less expensive than true stone.
The board is going to send David some options of designs they like, including an L-shaped design to surround the sign, as well as color options and font ideas. That will get him started on designing some more specific options. He estimated that the final price would be somewhere in the ballpark of $8,000, installed (that is just a rough estimate).
David will then send us some new options. If those are on the right track, the board would need to make a deposit at that time to move forward with the project.
President’s report:
- 142 houses participated in the annual holiday lights contest. The 2021 winners were:
- First place: 42230 Hanford Road
- Second place: 42050 Hanford Road
- Third place: 6604 Brookshire Drive
- Honorable mention: 6622 Brookshire Drive, 6381 Courtland Drive, 6706 Brookshire Drive
- Stacey is going to draft a flyer to post with suggestions for proper use and care of the tiny libraries.
Vice President’s report:
- No report
- No report.
Treasurer’s Report
- Notice of the annual dues will be mailed by January 31. Dues will be $119 (homeowners paying online will also pay a small processing fee). The amount reflects a 3% increase over the previous year, in accordance with the Pickwick Village by-laws. This year’s increase will be earmarked to go toward the cost of repaving the South Park pathway.
- Karen presented the treasurer’s report, including year-end balances. The board approved transferring $4,000 to savings for long-term, larger-scale projects.
- The budget is on track. For a copy of the budget, please contact
- Kurt responded to one request regarding tree removal and fence installation in one resident’s yard.
- The snowplow company has completed four plows so far, and seems to be attending to our neighborhood in a timely manner.
- Mike is going to reach out to Reliable again to try and secure a guarantee that the South Park drainage project will be completed as early as possible in 2022.
- No report.
Social media
- No report.
Old business
- A motion was made to allocate $8,000 of the long-term savings toward the sign project. The board discussed the motion, including the need for paving of the south park pathway and potential repairs needed for playscapes. With both the sign and the drainage project, the association should still have $3000 to $5000 in savings for larger projects, not including what is added in 2022.
- The motion was approved.
The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Out of consideration for the ongoing COVID-19 surge in cases, HOA Board meetings are being held virtually. The next meeting will be at 7:00 p.m. on February 9, 2022. For a link to join the meeting, email