Attendance (absent members are highlighted)
President: Stacey Krum
Vice President: Katy Marquart
Treasurer: Karen Willis
Secretary: Emily Kagey
Beautification: Jason Willis
By Laws: Mike Tykoski
Welcoming: Kristin Noel
Social Media: Kyle Stone
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.
President’s report:
- UPDATED: Yard Waste Pick-Up will resume starting 4/14, but there may be delays. If yard waste does not get picked up on the scheduled day, leave it at curb and it will get picked up some time that week.
- The tiny Libraries are being sanitized, wiped down and re-stocked on a regular basis. There has been lots of recent usage.
- The South Park garbage is overflowing, and people are still throwing trash at and around the can (dog poop bags specifically). With landscapers and lawn companies not being able to work until at least May 1, we may need to send out a reminder to residents to not leave waste on the ground.
- Roads Update: The township hopes to start work on the roads projects as soon as possible after the end of the stay-at-home order. The plan was to begin some work in April, but that has been pushed back. Bill Serchak will be creating an update to send to all subdivisions in the program.
- To all who are on the frontlines—nurses, doctors, police officers, firefighters, EMTs, delivery drivers/workers, mail carriers, grocery workers, etc.—THANK YOU!
- To all who have decorated their homes with Christmas lights, hearts, rainbows, window paintings, cut-outs, etc., THANK YOU!
- To all those who have created amazing sidewalk chalk displays—from challenging obstacle courses to inspiring messages to beautiful drawings—to make walks in the neighborhood fun and enjoyable, THANK YOU!
- To all who have helped a fellow Pickwick Villager in ANY way through this crazy, tough time! THANK YOU!
Vice President’s report: No report
Secretary: No report.
Treasurer’s Report
- As of 4/15, 36 homes have not paid the dues.
- The treasurer’s report was approved unanimously.
By-Laws: No report.
- Jason received an updated quote from Swifty lawn services. The cost increased this year; Jason will contact Swifty to determine if a discount can be provided for a multi-year contract.
- Three houses have sold since December 2019; welcome gifts have not yet been delivered due to limits on non-essential purchases and the need for social distancing.
Social: No report.
New business
- The board reviewed the 2020 budget. Once the quote for lawn maintenance is finalized and other line items have been reviewed by the board, the treasurer will provide an updated 2020 budget for approval at the May meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 7:55. The next meeting is scheduled for 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 13 via videoconferencing (tentatively).