Meeting Minutes for September 2018


President: Jim Leddy
Vice President: Stacey Krum
Treasurer: Karen Willis
Secretary: Emily Kagey
Beautification: Jason Willis
By-Laws: Mike Tykoski
Welcoming: Katy Marquart
Social Media: Kyle Stone
Additional attendees: Steve Kilijanczyk

Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM.


  • No report.

Vice President

  • No report.


  • The current account balance is $18,732.56. The treasurer’s report was approved.
  • The overall budget will need to be revisited in November or December to more accurately reflect estimated expenditures for 2019.


  • August minutes were approved by email and posted to the website.


  • Members of the board who were available held a special meeting with Teta Services to discuss lawn and snow services. The quote provided by Teta was comparable to the previous year’s quote, the only change is the additional cost of filling the gator bags for the trees in the north and south parks. Jason has previous quotes from other companies and has reached out to additional companies, with no response. Teta’s quote was the most affordable, and the company has ensured the board that snow plow services, in particular, will be improved during the coming season.
  • A motion was made and seconded to accept the quote from Teta services to provide lawn care and snow removal for the 2018-2019 seasons. The motion passed 7-0.
  • The south park path was recently sealed. The professional who sealed the path estimated that it should be sealed no more than one additional time; after that, any further sealing would not be worth the investment. The path will need to be replaced.
  • The paint on the playscapes in the north and south parks did not last the year. The company that did the painting came out and touched up the paint. This was not done to the satisfaction of the board.


  • Katy will arrange for welcome a gift for the new family once they have moved in.


  • One resident contacted the board for approval to add a path. The board directed him to the appropriate Canton guidelines.

Social Media

  • Kyle is fleshing out the details on the new website. The board was given a link to test and make suggestions.
  • Jason suggested that the new website include a FAQ page. Kyle has been working on adding that.

Old Business:

  • The quote for the trees came in higher than the amount that the board approved during the August meeting. Stacey checked with two other landscape companies, and their estimates were equivalent to the quote Kyle obtained.
  • A motion was made and seconded to delay the purchase of trees for the tiny library until next fall. The motion passed 7-0.
  • Jason and Stacey will order the items to replace the damaged slide on the north park playscape.
  • The chili cookoff will take place on October 6, followed by a movie night that evening. Stacey created a flyer, which has been distributed by email and on Facebook.
  • Jim is going to look into options for a new lawyer to handle liens.

New Business:

  • Stacey estimated that the upcoming Halloween parade, chili cookoff, and holiday lights contest will cost approximately $100 each ($300 total). Karen will allocate that money accordingly within the existing Social budget.
  • Mike suggested that we create central files (using Google docs or other cloud storage options) to store information pertinent to each position on the board. This would ease transitions for new members. The documents would be password-protected and accessible only by current or incoming board members. Another option would be to create a password-protected section of the new website that could be accessed only by board members. This should be discussed further at the next meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM.


Next meeting: Date and location? at 7:00 PM.  All are welcome to attend and get involved!

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