Pickwick Village Homeowner Association Board
Meeting Minutes for August 14, 2018
Attendance (absent members are highlighted)
President: Jim Leddy
Vice President: Stacey Krum
Treasurer: Karen Willis
Secretary: Emily Kagey
Beautification: Jason Willis
By-Laws: Mike Tykoski
Welcoming: Katy Marquart
Social Media: Kyle Stone
Additional attendees: Sandra Cross, Steve Kilijanczyk, Kathy LeFevre, Karen Ryan,
Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM.
- Jim reported that the Canton Roads Millage proposal passed on August 7. The first year of the program will focus on main roads and drains. Barchester is listed as one of the priority roads to be addressed after the drains.
Vice President
- Stacey suggested purchasing two trees to place by the two tiny libraries (one by each library). The Cleveland Pear is on Canton’s list of recommended trees. It is very tolerant against draught, ice, and pests. Kyle offered to get quotes for two trees.
Emily motioned to spend up to $600 to purchase the trees, once Kyle has received the quotes. Katy seconded. The motion passed 7-0. - Stacey introduced the option of doing a chilli cookout to accompany the fall movie night in the north park. The cost would be minimal and could be covered by funds available in the Social budget. The board agreed by general consensus. Stacey will work on developing a flyer. A date will be set closer to the fall, tentatively aiming for the last weekend in September or first weekend in October.
- Karen Willis is transitioning to the role and will have a report at the next meeting.
- The Association is still in need of a new lawyer to handle the liens.
- No report. The previous meeting was the Annual Picnic, for which there were no minutes to approve.
- Katy was advised of one new homeowner and will arrange for welcome a gift for the family.
Social Media
- Kyle needs a list of the email addresses for all active Board members. Sandy asked to continue receiving Board emails as an at-large member.
- Kyle would like to move the Pickwick Village website from a private server to Justhost to facilitate web updates and reformatting. This move would allow Board members to have a central log-in, which could be passed forward to future board members. The cost would be approximately $150 for three years.
Kyle motioned to spend $150 for a three-year subscription to JustHost for the Pickwick Village website. Katy seconded. The motion passed 7-0.
By Laws: No report.
- The Board discussed plans for obtaining plow and lawn services for fall 2018 through summer 2019. Jason will speak with the company we used in 2017-2018 and try to schedule a special meeting to discuss changes and improvements that would be required in order for us to sign a new contract with that company. He will also invite estimates from additional companies.
- The board discussed options for replacing the damaged tunnel slide on the north park playscape. Stacey found a rope ladder and handle bars similar to the ladder on the playscape in the south park.
Emily motioned to spend up to $500 to replace the tunnel slide with an appropriate, safe feature. Stacey seconded. The motion passed 7-0. - Jason has secured one estimate for sealing the south park walkway, patching the cracks, and repairing the dip in the sidewalk. The quote was approximately $3000.
Jason motioned to repair the south park walkway. Katy seconded. The motion passed 7-0. - Sandy brought up the idea of adding a walkway to the north park. The Board discussed the idea and determined that it should be considered at a later date, as part of larger discussion of replacing the playscapes and fully replacing the walkway in the south park.
New Business:
- None.
Old Business:
- None.
Meeting adjourned at 8:05 PM.
Next meeting: September 11th in the north park pavilion at 7:00 PM. All are welcome to attend and get involved!